Media and Public Appearance
- Danas newspaper, December 23, 2024 (available on the website of the Danas newspaper).
- Industrija magazine, no. 102, pp. 80-82, April, 2023 (also available on the website of the Industrija magazine).
- Digitalne ikone, Radio Beograd 2, July 26, 2022.
- IRT3000 Adria magazine, no. 41, December 2017.
- Ženska TV, February 2017.
- We Share, the student magazine of the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering of Applied Studies, no. 2, Belgrade, December 2015.
Magazine Articles
- Na ramenu diva, Planeta br. 104 (mart-april 2022.)
- „Virusne” ideje veštačke inteligencije, Planeta
br. 102 (oktobar-novembar-decembar 2021.)
- Tjuringovi svedoci, Planeta br. 101 (jul-avgust-septembar 2021.)
- Izveštačena filozofija, Planeta br. 100 (april-maj-jun 2021.)
- U oku posmatrača, Planeta br. 97 (avgust-septembar-oktobar 2020.)
- Nauka bez empatije, Planeta br. 95 (mart-april 2020.)
- Kišobran veštačke inteligencije, Planeta br. 94 (januar-februar 2020.)
- Čekajući Golema, Planeta br. 93 (novembar-decembar 2019.)
- Duboko učenje i plitko razumevanje, Planeta br. 92 (septembar-oktobar 2019.)
- Rasizam u naučnoj oblandi, Planeta br. 91 (jul-avgust 2019.)
- Jezivi roboti, Planeta br. 90 (maj-jun 2019.)
- Crne kutije veštačke inteligencije, Planeta br. 89 (mart-april 2019.)
- Gugl za glas, Planeta br. 88 (januar-februar 2019.)
- Ko vas poznaje bolje od nas, Planeta br. 87 (novembar-decembar 2018.)
- Monaliza računarskih nauka, Planeta br. 86 (septembar-oktobar 2018.)
- Argonauti današnjice, Planeta br. 85 (jul-avgust 2018.)
- Zablude transhumanizma, Planeta br. 84 (maj-jun 2018.)
- Tjuringova greška, Planeta br. 83 (mart-april 2018.)
- Etika i veštačka inteligencija, Planeta br. 82 (januar-februar 2018.)
- Elizin efekat, Planeta br. 81 (novembar-decembar 2017.)
- Zašto je napravljen robot MARKO, Planeta br. 80 (septembar-oktobar 2017.)
- Inteligentne mašine i redefinisanje pojma informatike, PC Press, no. 234 (jul 2016.)
Selected Media Reports
- Opšta praksa (0:14-0:24, 3:07-4:30), Radio Novi Sad, June 23, 2019.
- Prepodnevni program, Radio Novi Sad, June 14, 2018.
- Šta su sve tehnologije uradile za nas: Internet stvari i duboko učenje (1:38-1:48, 4:59-5:47, 19:57-21:59), Radio Television of Serbia 2, May 2017.
- „Marko”, robot koji pomaže djeci u razvoju, Al Jazeera Balkans, June 28, 2015.
- Robot Marko pomaže deci sa smetnjama u razvoju, B92 Television, June 23, 2015.
- Robot Marko ide u Dečiju bolnicu u Novom Sadu, Serbian National News Agency Tanjug, June 20, 2015.
- Uskoro robot koji će pomagati deci sa smetnjama u razvoju, Serbian National News Agency Tanjug, June 13, 2015.
- (Ne) moramo da se plašimo veštačke inteligencije, Politika newspaper, February 15, 2015.
- Evronet (3:34-4:05), Radio Television of Serbia, July 2012.
- Térkép, Duna Television, November 02, 2011.
Selected Invited and Plenary Talks
- Achievements and Limitations of Artificial Intelligence in the Legal Response, University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies in Belgrade, April 5, 2023.
- Bringing the Human Back in the Loop: Analytical Tractability in Image Processing Tasks, Invited talk at the SRH University Heidelberg International Week 2021: Global Restart, October 7, 2021.
- IT Security at the Present Moment, Panel discussions at the 35th International Conference Infotech, Aranđelovac, Serbia, June 24, 2020.
- Robot MARKO – an Assitive Tool for Treatment of Children with Developmental Disorders, Invited talk at the International Cultural Club, SRH Hochschule Heidelberg, Germany, December 4, 2018.
- Intelligent Machines and the Future of Employment, Invited talk at the New Technologies in Education conference, Belgrade, Serbia, February 26, 2016.
- End-User Design of a Robot’s Dialogue Behavior, Talk at the Workshop on Robot's Social Intelligence and Natural Interaction Capabilities with End User Development, European Robotics Forum 2015, Vienna, Austria, March 11, 2015.
- Design of Robots as Assistive Technology for the Treatment of Children with Developmental Disorders, Plenary talk at the 16th International Conference on Speech and Computer - SPECOM 2014, Novi Sad, Serbia, October 5-9, 2014.
- The Child, the Therapist, and the Robot: Adaptive Dialogue Management in Three-Party Interaction, Invited talk at the COST Workshop on Social Robotics, The Future Concept and Reality of Social Robotics: Challenges, Perception and Applications - The Role of Social Robotics in Current and Future Society, June 10-13, 2013, Brussels.
- On the Way to the Wizard: People in the World of Intelligent Machines, Invited talk at the Days of the Future: Robotics, organized by the Center for the Promotion of Science, Belgrade, Serbia, September 25, 2012.
- Contextual Adaptation and Emotional Awareness in Assistive Conversational Agents, Invited talk at the 19. Telecommunications Forum, TELFOR 2011, Belgrade, Serbia, November 22-24, 2011.