Prof. Dr.-Ing. Milan Gnjatović
Milan Gnjatović is Professor of Computer Sciences at the University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies in Belgrade and Visiting Professor at the School of Engineering and Architecture, SRH University Heidelberg, and at the Faculty of Technical Sciences in Novi Sad.
To learn more, see a short biography or a more detailed CV.
Research |

The Milan's research interests range across the field of artificial intelligence, with a special focus on human–machine interaction.
A brief insight: Conversational robot MARKO was developed within the project "Design of Robots as Assistive Technology for the Treatment of Children with Developmental Disorders". Milan was leader of the subproject "Multimodal Human-Machine Interaction".
Here you may see a list of research projects.
Milan has (co)authored six books and over ninety peer reviewed research publications in international journals and conference proceedings..
Occasionally he writes magazine articles on the social context of artificial intelligence (in Serbian).
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